
Publicado há 4 years • 1 min de leituramin reading


onvention Center has all the infrastructure for online formats, with live streaming and recording studio

The events sector – which employs 6 million people directly and indirectly and represents 4.6% of the gross domestic product, with R $ 305 billion in annual revenue – remains one of the hardest hit by the pandemic.

Convenção Aché formato híbrido – Estúdio Expo Center Norte

It was thinking about its audience and customers that Expo Center Norteendeavored to develop and deliver new forms of experience, joining companies that are benchmarks in their segments (Grupo R1 and Expo Telecom) to offer ready-made packages that include space rental at its Convention Center, with all the infrastructure for online and hybrid events (in-person and online), with technology to perform Live Streaming and a recording studio. This way, the customer does not need to search for all suppliers separately and can customize the package according to their needs. Even though we believe that events should return in full force in the second half of 2021, as the population is vaccinated, Expo Center Norte has developed solutions to continue serving customers during this adverse scenario, in a safe and innovative way, in the first half of the year. The enterprise, which is following all the safety protocols determined by the health authorities, offers safe and comfortable spaces, with high technology, to enable memorable experiences.

Learn more at .

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