
Publicado há 4 years • 2 min de leituramin reading

Do you know what hybrid events are? Know this possibility and program yours!

Modality was already an option, but it gained strength in the resumption of the events sector.

With the interruption of events and some face-to-face activities, technology has come up with a good ally to maintain meetings, even with some adaptations. Now, with the possibility of some corporate events and fairs happening again, there are still models that need the help of technology and others that have seen new possibilities to happen.

As a result, the demand for hybrid events increased, which, by definition, is the combination of two different formats. For some, the definition may be a mixture of the use of previously recorded sessions with others broadcast live. In the event market, this definition is used when an event takes place in person and virtually at the same time. Both participants and those presenting the event can be partially present or online.

Even with some events and companies adopting the hybrid model for some time, many still do not know where to start or do not see their event model included in this proposal. Congresses, for example, have been using this format for some time, and today, 79% of them use this model.

Launches, symposia and seminars are already in the range of 30% adherence to the hybrid model. It is an opportunity to have more profitability in expenses and also to extend the participation of people who live in other cities or states, making the brand of your event even more relevant.

Expo Center Norte already holds hybrid events, including, at the moment of resumption, it already hosted a congress for doctors in this format. And, in addition to offering one of the best structures in terms of pavilion and convention rooms, to carry out the physical part with the best available technology, it is possible to hire a studio to carry out part of the event, all in the same place.

If you still don’t know how to adapt your event to the hybrid format or want to know more about this possibility, contact us at whatsapp (11) 94474-6204 and learn more details.

Here, we have everything to hold your event, whatever it is.

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